
Meet Lindy Thurrell Voice ActorMeet Lindy Thurrell Voice ActorMeet Lindy Thurrell Voice ActorMeet Lindy Thurrell Voice Actor

Bring your copy to life. Personal, engaging,  versatile, and effective. 

Lindy is a masterful voice actor.

About Lindy


The Passion of a Creative Voice Actor

Throughout her nearly 50 years in the broadcasting industry, Lindy has mastered the art of Voice Acting. She has been an on air radio personality in several major markets, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Jose. As the founding partner and co-owner of The Academy of Radio & TV Broadcasting in Huntington Beach, CA, she has been training aspiring radio broadcasters for 37 years. Lindy is passionate about her work as a teacher and voice over artist. 


Versatile delivery for different products.


Authoritative, ability to teach verbally, accurate delivery.


Demonstrates compassionate delivery for this medical product.

Medical Training

Complex factual copy for training medical professionals.

Audiobook: 4 Little Mice

Children's story told with playful and engaging delivery.

Audiobook: Lincoln

Emotional, biographical narrative. 

Audiobook: Aureliano Buen Dia

Historical novel demonstrating foreign language pronunciation skills.

Audiobook: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Copy was vividly descriptive as seen through the eyes of the main character.